Introduction to Reviews
This will serve simply to put down my views and opinions on what I see, how it makes me feel, and what it makes me think of as I take it all in. I want to do this without thinking of the "right way" to explain art...without the constraints of stuck-up art words and intellect. I want to learn as I do this; learn about art, artists, and myself as an artist
Sun 12th August 2012 Why A Series of Portraits?
Ok. so at the moment I'm working on a series. A series of portraits. Various Portraits. Self portraits, portraits of family and friends. Portraits from photos, recalling the past.
Portraits capture moments in time. They capture essence. They capture personality. They capture. They interpret. Through the eyes of the artist.
They are difficult, and require perception, as well as technical skill. Composition, size, colour, foreground, background, likeness, posture, head only, head and shoulders, sitting standing, indoors or outdoors, there are a million decisions to be made, and all play an important part in the final image.
A good portrait should provide the viewer an insight into the subject.
A portrait can be done looking at the subject through many different angles: for example from the subjects view, the viewers view, the artists view, and can take into account any number of personal aspects of the subject....marriage, parenthood, neighbourhood, heritage, profession, work life, social status. It can be one of the most difficult things to get right. Portraiture is a very challenging theme, and thus provides lots of time with techniques, colour mixing, different ways of applying the paint to the surface and this helps accelerate the learning curve. I really do think that these next few weeks Painting Portraits will be invaluable to me in the future.
Lets see how I go.
Sat 11th August, 2012 69 SMITH STREET GALLERY
LIKENESS 2 a Portrait Exhibition
Another rainy day in Melbourne.
Friday I also managed to take in the Likeness 2, the members group exhibition at 69 Smith Street. It was great to see the work of some of my fellow students from last year. This is a great little artist run gallery in a very prominent locale.
Last year the NMIT end of year exhibition for my class was held there. Later on I'll post some details for the sake of posterity.
Now back to the current exhibition. There are many different renditions to the portrait in this show, all from emerging artist. Why not lend your support by visiting and having a chat with the volunteers that sit the gallery?
Friday 10th August, 2012 SCOTT LIVESEY GALLERY
This week I finally made the time to go and see some works at the galleries around Melbourne.
Driving through the rain and traffic was not much fun, but worth the effort.
I made it to Scott Livesey Galleries in Armadale, to see the works of Matt R Martin, who coincidently studied at a Diploma of Illustration amongst other art related courses at NMIT Preston, where I am currently studying the Diploma in Visual Art.
His works are amazingly detailed. The subjects of his portraits are beautiful creatures. The settings somewhat tormenting, dark . Some may even think sexually dark and painful, like a portrait of sex slaves, in dingy, dirty surroundings, faces and expressions mostly hidden from the viewers.
It made me think about the detail in the work, almost picture-perfect. I ask myself, as a critic...
Are they just oil on Canvas?
Are they oil paintings on a photo printed on canvas?
Are they a photo printed on canvas and glazed over in oils?
Are they digitally enhanced photos printed on canvas, glazed in oils?
I'm not saying this is what he does, so don't go complaining to him now!
These are all valid questions. I am but a novice and dare to ask them. I owe allegiance to no-one. It may not be politically correct, but I have to be critical and put that aside for now.
I am interested in his works in progress - how he begins a piece - his progress and mechanisms - his techniques. How he gets from a to z basically.
I think these are valid questions, seeing his Illustration background, which in itself deals widely in digital media.
I will try to see more of his works in future. And if you enjoys art which includes the human figure, I'm sure you will also.
Catch him if you can.
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